Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Magical Mummy Moments

I know, I spend a lot of time on this blog complaining, or writing about how much harder this parenting business is than I ever anticipated. But, believe it or not, in amongst the exhaustion, disbelief and despair, there are some things about becoming a Mum, that I wouldn't exchange for anything, and it's not just the endless opportunities for selfies with a baby.

  • Those super cute, delicious, never-let-this-moment-end, sweet baby conversations before they equally deliciously fall asleep.

  • Those glorious heart-glow moments when they touch your face with their tiny hands - right before their finger goes up your nose.

  • The unbridled excitement on their faces when you get them up in the morning - even though it's only 6:30am and you've only had five (lucky!) hours of sleep.

  • The infectious almost-giggles that erupt when you make silly faces and equally silly noises.

  • How much they love jumping, bouncing, flying, swinging - anything that gives your arms a workout. 

Of course, the frequency with which I now feel like I've achieved something momentous, is also a pretty good side affect of having a six month old - "yay, she is having a nap!" "Yay, she ate all her food!" "Yay, she slept for more than half an hour!" "BOOM! Look how much housework I managed to do!" "Yay, I managed to get her to stop crying!" "Yay! I figured out what is wrong!" "Yay, I knew just by her cry that she was tired/hungry/bored!" "YES! We left the house!" - But I digress.

Safe to say, having a six month old is a million times better than having a New Born. So I'm excited (probably somewhat naively) about what's in store for us next!

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