Well, Miltown. I'd like to know what side effects you caused that meant you are no longer curing 88% of pregnant women of anxiety, insomnia and emotional upsets. Where were you last weekend when I had a complete meltdown and for some reason thought that locking my poor darling husband in the garage was the appropriate response to what had begun as a minor argument.
NB - my sister talked me into letting him out within 10 minutes via text. He had by that time, got a sleeping bag and made a bed in the back of the car. We'd both like to thank my sister for quickly texting some sense into me. I realise, that I can now expect that to be used against me for pretty much anything that pops up in the future. There is nothing ok about what I did.
I was temporarily Insane.
For an entire weekend.
That said, it is fair to say that things are heating up. At 34 weeks, I am now having night sweats. Which, let me tell you, are a little more intense than the average "I'm-too-hot-must-remove-some-covers" night sweats. These involve me waking up LITERALLY DRENCHED, having to change pyjamas, wipe off with a flannel, let the bed air out. By which time, I am wide awake and once again need to pee. When I get back the sheets are freezing and still damp, so I've recently taken to sleeping on a towel, but that only stops the bottom sheet getting wet. Somehow, my husband manages to sleep through all of this. I did wake him up once, to check that I wasn't imagining it, but it took him so long to awaken from his peaceful slumber, that there wasn't much left to see. The midwife says it's hormonal, and there are no tricks that she can recommend to help. But I already knew that, because by the time I asked her about it, I'd already well researched it on google.
Little Baby is now taking up so much room, I am worried about how much space can be left to occupy. She is kicking and rolling and punching up a storm, and has an uncanny knack of ensuring my bladder gets pummelled at least 3 times a class, twice when I'm driving, anytime I'm sitting somewhere very difficult to get up from. Which is giving those pelvic floor muscles little emergency incontinence 'drills'. "Are you ready? No? Well I don't care! WHACK!"

On the other hand, I've got all these plans for when Baby gets here. We are going to make an awesome potted Vege garden....or rather, I will, and the baby will be there in her bouncinet, carefully covered in baby safe sunscreen (which I bought this week). We will go for walks with her in the pram, and we will visit library story times, and play groups, and we will go to mums'n'bubs sessions at the movies when she's old enough and..and...and.....there is just SO MUCH FUN WE WILL HAVE!
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