Friday, 27 February 2015

Videos To Watch When You Need To Giggle

Sometimes, as a mum, you find yourself in desperate need of something to laugh about. However, the idea of trawling the internet for funnies is more than you can bare!

Fear not fellow Mummies! I have done the work for you!

Below are five (hopefully) guaranteed to make you laugh youtube clips - they haven't failed me yet.

German Words:

Oh the hilarity of the German language! Don't mistake me, I love Germany and it's people, but this clip plays to cultural stereotypes beautifully.

Michael Mcintyre - People With No Children Don't Know.

Let's be honest - people without children, really, really, don't have a clue. But they honestly believe they do, and once upon a time, so did we. But now we know better, so, so much better. And at times, we honestly wish we didn't.

Dear Cool Mum - from

Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about, the weird mum thing that happens when your kid starts interacting with another kids and suddenly you are having a crazy interaction with the other kids mum via a strange conversation through your respective children, but all you really want is for that other mum to think you are cool.... Actually, just go to that website, it's brilliant.

Parks and Recreation

Any episode from season 2 onwards - just binge watch them all! My personal favourite character is Ben Wyatt, and Andy Dwyer. Oh and Ron Swanson...Dammit I just love them all!

Babies in Tunnels

Yeah, you read that right. It's hilarious. I have got to try this with our monster one day soon. Very soon. Maybe today.

I hope one of these makes you smile xxx

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