Saturday, 27 September 2014

Decluttering the House to Declutter My Mind

I've been thinking and thinking about this blog, and about what to write about in this post. Each day comes and goes and I think I have something and then the next day arrives and that thing is gone.

I am finding myself in a strange state of motivation - one which my therapist says is a 'normal' state. But which might feel very elevated to me after being so down for so long. Either way, I am getting an awful lot done at the moment. I am also not getting much sleep.

Here are some good things -

  • The little one is back at preschool (YAY!) 
  • She hasn't vomited in exactly 14 days (YAY!)
  • Two days ago she finally stood on her own! (multiple times!)
  • Unfortunately she was naked at the time - so I can't post the photos here (Not so yay)
  • I've started writing again! (YUSS) - although I'm not sure if that's good or not - as I seem to only really write when I'm not doing so well.....but I feel like I'm doing fine, so I will roll with it.
  • I've been decluttering. 
Now, my husband says this always happens when The Block is on TV. But I disagree, I declutter when it's spring. When the flowers start to come out. When the air warms up and the seasons start to shift from grey and dead to brand new. 

I also see it as a way to declutter my head. To enact physically what I am trying to do mentally. The less 'junk' around me, the less in my head. The less crap I have to look at daily, the more time I can focus on my sanity.

At least, that's what I think it is - perhaps I am just headed for another crash. Fingers crossed that's not the case!

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