Saturday 3 May 2014

Angry At The System

I'll admit it.
I'm angry.

I'm angry at what has happened to me. I'm angry at how it was handled. I'm angry at my diagnoses - or lack thereof. I'm angry at the constant appointments, medications, changes in therapist, lengthy waitlists, and being constantly transferred between units because you no longer fall under 'their criteria'. I'm angry that all of this is considered 'normal' and that my situation was not an exception, but rather, the rule.

I'm angry that I had my first panic attack over 14 years ago and I'm still dealing with them today. I'm angry that the words "bipolar disorder" were first mentioned 12 years ago, are still being mentioned today and have yet to be either set in stone or thrown aside. I'm angry that I have seen so many different people meant to help that I can't even remember most of their names let alone tell you how many there have been. I'm angry that I was put in an inpatient unit for nearly three weeks, and didn't see a psychologist or a psychiatrist even once in that whole time.

And that's just the tip of the ice-berg.

I have lost my faith in the system. I have lost my trust in my psychologist. I no longer believe they have my best interests at heart. I feel like I'm just part of one big clinical drug and therapy trial.


Here, try this pill. Not feeling any different?
Ok, let's increase it.
Too many side effects? Let's change it. 
Still not working? What about this drug? 
Your feet feel weird? That's normal, nothing to worry about. 
Feeling nauseas? Wait it out. 
Dizzy? How dizzy? That's a safe level of dizziness.

Continue with what we prescribed.

What about therapy?

Sigmund Freud

 Cognitive behavioural therapy
metacognitive therapy
                             group therapy
                            individual therapy 
compassion based therapy
               talking therapy

 Trust me, I've had it all 'tried' on me.

I discovered all this anger at my most recent therapeutic session, and the feelings have yet to abate.

I am angry that my discharge papers list my diagnosis as 'Major Depressive Disorder and Anxiety', yet seem to have neglected mentioning any kind of mood disorder. While some people would be thrilled that they don't have 'anything else', I am just frustrated by its admission. Because as far as I'm concerned, I clearly don't just have depression. Plus, I feel like I've actually overcome a lot of my anxiety issues (and worked really hard to do so). So to see this written down makes me feel like I'm wasting my time in the mental health system. Like they are not seeing the bigger picture.

I am tired of trusting in a system which constantly fails those it's supposed to help. I'm tired of trying so hard and falling so far. I know there are plenty of individuals who work tirelessly within this system, with the best of intentions and the belief that they can help. Unfortunately the system is so broken, there is little they can really do. There isn't enough funding to support their endeavours. The waiting lists are too long to help those who need it when they actually need it. It is too easy to prescribe a pill and send us on our way. Psychologists and Psychiatrists are too expensive for the average person to visit. There are too many people needing too much help, from a system straining at the edges and unable to do anything about it. Pills are only part of the solution, but the other part is not easily accessible, nor easy to give.

I'm sure somewhere someone must have, at some point, been helped properly, been cured even. But I don't know that person.

The mental health system is an ambulance at the bottom of the cliff for most of its patients. And believe me, that is a very big cliff.


  1. I am glad to see you back today, I am a bit of a blog stalker but I am also the Mum to a 18 yr old daughter with PTSD, Social Anxiety, Self Harming tendencies, Depression and Bi Polar disorder. Like your world hers is up and down, and all around.
    Take Care, Breath and take each day as it comes. Hugs to you, and your beautiful family

    1. Hi Sandra, thanks for reading and for the words of wisdom. This comment actually did make me stop and breath for a moment :) I'm sending thoughts of strength to your daughter. xx

  2. Here in the states, the "Obamacare" universal healthcare we're trying out has given more people access to psychiatric services and prescriptions but doesn't appropriately fund psychological services. It's terrible that we would rather medicate and sedate than give people what they need to actually get better. I pray you find the balance you need soon!!

    1. Hi Lauren. I don't really understand the whole Obamacare thing, but from listening to Ellen, I'm assuming it's sort of similar to our public healthcare service in NZ. Let's hope at some point those in charge of these programmes will start funding a wider variety of health care options. Thank you for your prayers! Sending some back in return xx

  3. This is a very valid post and super frustrating!

    1. soooo frustrating! I don't feel this post is terrible succinct though. I will write a clearer more 'shareable' one in the future. Hope you are well :)
