Saturday 9 May 2015

Top 5 Strange Toddler Games

#1 Hello Light
We have a security system which has movement sensors in various places in the house. When something bigger than the cat makes any kind of movement, BAM, a light flicks on in the corner.

The child figured this out one day and has proceeded to drag every adult she comes into contact with, into the corridor to show them this incredible phenomenon at any available opportunity, and even at very unavailable opportunities.

"Hello light!" rings out for a good half minute before the light switches off, at which point she frantically waves and cries out 'bye bye light' until it switches back on and just like that, the game starts again.

#2 Close The Door
All doors must be closed. At all times. This includes (but is not limited to)
- Pantry Door
- Fridge Door
- Dishwasher Door
- Cupboard Doors
- Drawer Doors
- Car Doors

If it's open - it must be shut. The rules are simple and relatively easy to learn. There doesn't seem to be a clear winner in this game, but it seems more of a 'personal best' kind of thing.

#3 Get The Alphabet Magnets onto the Floor
Similar to the rules of 'Close the Door', I haven't yet figured out the ultimate way to win at this particular game. It seems to be a 'beat your best time' strategy around how fast the letters can be swiped off the fridge door before mummy says 'stop', and then how many more you can get off before she picks you up and removes you from the game.

It certainly seems like it's entertaining, and she is definitely improving at it.

#4 Make Mummy Say Ow!
This is a more sadistic game, resulting in uproarious laughter whenever she succeeds. As usual, the goal is simple, but worryingly, there doesn't seem to be any rules around how you are allowed to get there. So far I've been subjected to some crazy hair styling, eye lid flicking, ear pulling, hair pulling and being the incredibly sneaky 'water on the kitchen floor' premeditated attack. I shudder to think what she will come up with next!

#5 What Can I Make People Do If I Pretend To Cry?
This is definitely a more advanced game, and not one for the faint hearted, involving the use of rather impressive drama skills.

The goal is simple, but difficult to achieve. Make the adult give you what you want.

You win if you get it.
You lose if they catch on and start mimicking your fake crying, forcing you to start laughing at how silly your face looks.

What interesting games does your toddler play?


  1. Hi from one anxious mother to another!
    I've just come across your blog while searching for others that are similar in nature to mine. My bub is not a toddler yet, but my nephew is two years old and these games sound very familiar! Close the door is a favourite when he comes over, and he also loves to play 'fill anything with water', including shoes!
    The only game my three month old plays is 'let's not go to bed'....sigh :/

    1. Hi anxiety Mamma! Thanks for the comment :) Kids are strange, there simply is no other explanation! I look forward to checking out your blog :) I've actually moved this one to, so if you want to see any of my newer stuff, that's where you'll find me :)
